2016 Sandell Grant Program Recipients
Can Knowledge Empower Women to Save More for Retirement?
Drew M. Anderson and J. Michael Collins
Exploring the Rise of Mortgage Borrowing Among Older Americans
J. Michael Collins, Erik Hembre, and Carly Urban
Mom and Dad We’re Broke, Can You Help? A Comparative Study of Financial Transfers Within Families Before and After the Great Recession
Mary K. Hamman, Daniela Hochfellner, and Pia Homrighausen
The Relative Effects of Economic and Non-Economic Factors on Taxpayers’ Preferences Between Front-Loaded and Back-Loaded Retirement Savings Plans
Andrew D. Cuccia, Marcus M. Doxey, and Shane R. Stinson
Family Transfers With Retirement-Aged Adults in the United States: Kin Availability, Wealth Differentials, Geographic Proximity, Gender, and Racial Disparities
Ashton M. Verdery, Jonathan Daw, Colin Campbell, and Rachel Margolis