Comments Policy

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Comments Policy for Squared Away

“Every Action done in Company, ought to be with Some Sign of Respect, to those that are Present.”
– George Washington’s “Rules of Civility”

The single most important goal of Squared Away is to provide information that promotes a national dialogue about financial literacy and behavior in all of its forms.  We are eager for readers to post their comments at the end of each blog entry, whether they are experts in the field or curious readers who want to learn more.

Thoughtful comments reflecting a wide range of views will elevate our conversation. Unfortunately, spam is endemic on the Web.

While we use a spam filter, Akisimet, some unrelated or inappropriate comments will inevitably get through.  So we are forced to screen comments before posting them publicly.  To minimize the delays after readers post their comments, we plan to monitor incoming comments frequently to keep the conversations flowing.

Squared Away follows the same basic standard that dictates what gets into a newspaper:  it can be read at the breakfast table over a cup of coffee.

We reserve the rights to edit comments for accuracy or length and will not publish comments containing:

– abusive language

– advertisements

– ad-hominem attacks

– racist, sexist, homophobic or other hateful slurs

– excessively foul language

– off-topic information

– spam.

    Please note that the comments period will end 60 days after the blog post goes live.