CRR Seminar Series
Past Events
April 3, 2019: Martha Susana Jaimes Builes (The New School): “Is the Social Security’s Delayed Retirement Credit Regressive? The Effect of Differential Mortality Rates”
February 27, 2019: Christine E. Bishop (Brandeis University): “Economics of Long-term Services and Supports: Supply and Demand”
January 23, 2019: Abigail Hurwitz (Post-Doctoral Visiting Scholar at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania): “Can Mandatory Minimum Annuity Laws Have Unintended Consequences? An Experimental Study”
November 7, 2018: Patrick Button (Tulane University and RAND Corporation): “Do Stronger Employment Discrimination Protections Decrease Reliance on Social Security Disability Insurance? Evidence from the Social Security Reforms”
May 16, 2018: Brian Asquith (National Bureau of Economic Research Postdoctoral Fellow in the Economics of an Aging Workforce): “A Homeownership Dilemma? Mobility After Job Loss in an Aging Workforce”
December 11, 2017: John Lindner (Boston College): “Biased Beliefs and Job Search: Implications for Optimal Unemployment Insurance”
November 15, 2017: Yulya Truskinovsky (Harvard University post-doc): “The Cyclicality of Informal Care”
October 25, 2017: Fiona Greig (JP Morgan Chase Institute)
September 18, 2017: Xi Chen (Yale School of Public Health): “Leaving Money on the Table? Suboptimal Enrollment in the New Social Pension Program in China.”
May 3, 2017: Patrick Turley (Harvard University): “The Genetics of Educational Attainment.”
March 13, 2017: Eileen Tell (ET Consulting/NCOA): “Understanding How Families Find Long-Term Services and Supports.”
February 21, 2017: Claudia Olivetti (Boston College): “Changes in Marriage and Divorce as Drivers of Employment and Retirement of Older Women.”
February 7, 2017: Nick Maynard and Brian Gilmore (CommonWealth): “Innovative Strategies to Boost Engagement with Retirement Accounts.”
December 14, 2016: Mashfiqur Khan (Boston College): “The Effect of the Disability Insurance Application Decision on the Labor Force Participation of Denied Applicants.”
December 7, 2016: Nicole Maestas (Harvard Medical School): “American Working Conditions and Preferences for Job Attributes.”
November 8, 2016: Laura Quinby (Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government): “From School Boards to State Politics: De-Unionization and the Labor Market for Teachers.”
October 26, 2016: Corina Mommaerts (University of Wisconsin – Madison and NBER): “Long-Term Care Insurance and the Family.”
September 27, 2016: Melissa McInerney (Tufts University): “The Effects of State Medicaid Expansions for Working-Age Adults on Senior Medicare Beneficiaries.”
June 9, 2016: Will Sandbrook (UK’s National Employment Savings Trust)
May 10, 2016: Ami Ko (University of Pennsylvania): “Selection in the Long-Term Care Insurance Market.”
November 18, 2015: Patrick Button (Tulane University): “Is it Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? New and Improved Evidence from a Field Experiment.”
July 27, 2015: Marcia Wagner (Wagner Law Group): “Moving to a Universal Fiduciary Standard: The Newly Proposed DOL Fiduciary Rule.”
June 1, 2015: Piera Bello (Università della Svizzera Italiana): “Old Before Their Time: The Role of Employers in Early Retirement Decisions.”
May 13, 2015: Stephanie Rennane (University of Maryland): “A Double Safety Net? Interactions between Government and Family Assistance for the Disabled.”
April 27, 2015: John Beshears (Harvard Business School): “Does Front-Loading Taxation Increase Savings? Evidence from Roth 401(k) Introductions.”
April 21, 2015: Bianca Werner (Boston College): “401(k) Plan Consultants: Compensation and Misalignment of Incentives.”
April 14, 2015: Xinmei Wang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): “China’s Public Pension Reform in an International Comparative Perspective.”
March 30, 2015: Tamila Nutsubidze (American University for Humanities): “The Challenge of Pension Reform in Georgia: Non-Contributory Pension and Elderly Poverty.”
March 23, 2015: Mark Shepard (Harvard University): “Social Security Claiming and the Annuity Puzzle.”
March 12, 2015: Courtney Coile (Wellesley College): “Health Capacity to Work at Older Ages: Evidence from the U.S.”
February 11, 2015: Barbara Blaylock (University of Southern California): “Population Health Benefits of Collaborative Care Treatment of Depressive Symptoms in a Nationally Representative Sample of Older Adults.”
February 5, 2015: Jane Leber Herr (Harvard University): “Measuring the Effect of the Timing of First Birth on Wages.”
January 30, 2015: Lindsay Jacobs (University of Wisconsin-Madison): “An Equilibrium Model of Occupational Choice, Retirement, and the Effects of Disability Insurance.”
January 23, 2015: Marina Kutyavina (University of California, San Diego): “Family Circumstances, Retirement Expectations and Realizations: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study.”
January 14, 2015: Melissa Boyle (Holy Cross): “Spousal Labor Market Effects from Government Health Insurance: Evidence from a Veterans Affairs Expansion.”
January 7, 2015: Liana Fox (Columbia University, Swedish Institute for Social Research post-doc)
April 7, 2014: T. Scott Findley (Utah State University): “Time-Inconsistent Preferences and the Mandatory Saving Role of Social Security.”
March 27, 2014: Geng Li (U.S. Board of Governor’s of the Federal Reserve System): “Trustworthiness and Relationships: Implications of Credit Scores for Partner Selection and Spousal Dissolution.”
November 19, 2013: Maria Fitzpatrick (Cornell University): “Retiree Health Insurance for Public School Employees: Does it Affect Retirement.”
November 4, 2013: Bruce Meyer (University of Chicago): “Disability, Earnings, Income, and Consumption.”
October 17, 2013: Margaret Maurer-Fazio (Bates College): “What Role Does Co-Residency with Adult Children Play in the Labor Force Participation Decisions of Older Women in China?”
March 14, 2013: Erzo F.P. Luttmer (Dartmouth College)
March 7, 2013: Kristine Brown (University of Illinois)
January 23, 2013: Emily Wiemers (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
December 5, 2012: John Friedman (Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government)
November 1, 2012: Jonathan Reuter (Boston College)
October 17, 2012: Andrew Houtenville (University of New Hampshire)
April 2, 2012: Robin McKnight (Wellesley College)
March 1, 2012: Lucie Schmidt (Williams College)
January 18, 2012: Steve Stern (University of Virginia)
December 8, 2011: Kathleen McGarry (UCLA)
December 5, 2011: Day Manoli (UCLA)
November 7, 2011: Amitabh Chandra (Harvard University)
September 21, 2011: Lee Lockwood (University of Chicago, NBER Aging postdoc)
May 26, 2011: Robert Pollak (Washington University in St. Louis)
May 11, 2011: Kathleen Mullen (RAND Corporation)
April 8, 2011: David Autor (MIT)
December 7, 2010: Brigitte Madrian (Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government)
November 3, 2010: Jody Schimmel (Mathmatica Policy Research)
October 26, 2010: David Grabowski (Harvard Medical School)
September 29, 2010: Erik Hurst (University of Chicago)