Our Readers’ Favorite Blogs
It’s the time of year when we highlight blogs that attracted the most page views over the previous six months, according to Google analytics.
Today, we’re listing a “baker’s dozen” – 13 blogs – popular with our readers, instead of the usual top 10. This allows us to highlight some interesting themes that were apparently on readers’ minds:
Many retirees weighed in with their comments on two blogs about how and why they’re taxed:
A new feature called “Boomers: Rewriting Retirement” that profiles people who are either approaching retirement or recently retired made the list:
- A Familiar Dilemma: to Work or Retire
Squared Away tried something else new – two quizzes on financial topics – and many readers took them:
Blogs based on retirement research funded by the U.S. Social Security Administration, which supports this blog, are perennial favorites. The first half of 2016 was no different:
Another SSA-research blog about how stress can push people to retire was followed up by a second article highlighting readers’ personal experiences, based on comments they made on the first article:
Four more blogs listed below complete the baker’s dozen. Topics range from “gray divorce” among boomers to 401(k)s, nursing homes, and the secret to a longer life:
- Financial Fallout from Gray Divorce
- 401(k)s: an Employer-Employee Disconnect
- Medicare vs Medicaid in Nursing Homes
- The Secret to Longer Life: Keep Working
To stay current on our Squared Away blog, we invite you to join our free email list. You’ll receive just one email each week – with links to the two new posts for that week – when you sign up here.
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People are more interested in finance. Mostly those who are about to retire and worry for their financial condition. Older people have more confidence in themselves than professionals do. Only 10 percent of professionals think that seniors are “very prepared” to face old age, while over 40 percent of seniors feel they are reasonably well prepared for what lies ahead.
Thanks for this resource! Great info.