State & Local Pension Plans

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The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College has undertaken a comprehensive initiative on state and local government retirement plans.  Under this initiative, the Center produces new Issues in Brief, fact sheets, and data that describe and analyze key trends in the state-local pension universe, including plan structure and funding status.  Stay informed by joining the state and local mailing list.

The Center gratefully acknowledges the MissionSquare Research Institute for its support of much of this research and data collection.

Data and Tools

Visit the Public Plans Database
Public Plans Investment Comparison Tool

Special Series on Legacy Pension Debt

This series quantifies the “legacy debt” (unfunded liabilities from long ago) for several major state-administered retirement systems and offers a new approach to better manage these liabilities.

Final Reports

The New Hampshire Retirement System: A Look Backward and Forward
Connecticut State Retirement Systems: SERS and TRS

Fact Sheets on Pension Reform

California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin

Related Issue in Brief

Fact Sheets on States with Defined Contribution Plans

Alaska, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan Public Schools, Michigan SERS, Oregon, Utah, West Virginia


State and Local Pensions: What Now?

Related Links

MissionSquare Research Institute
National Association of State Retirement Administrators
Government Finance Officers Association