Readers’ Picks in 2015
Squared Away readers should know this ritual by now. We consult Google Analytics to determine the articles with the most reader traffic over the past year.
This blog covers everything from student loans to helping low-income people improve their lot. But this year’s Top 10 was dominated by one topic: retirement.
Readers’ favorites are listed in order of their popularity, with links to each individual blog:
- Navigating Retirement Taxes
- Medicare Primer: Advantage or Medigap?
- Why I Dropped My Financial Adviser
- The Future of Retirement is Now
- Annuities: Useful but Little Understood
- Winging it in Retirement?
- Fewer Need Long-Term Care
- Misconceptions about Social Security
- Late Career Job Changes Reduce Stress
- Mortgage Payoff: Freedom versus the Math
To stay current on our Squared Away blog in 2016, we invite you to join our free email list. You’ll receive just one email each week – with links to the two new posts for that week – when you sign up here.
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Surprised to see the Fewer Need Long-term Care Insurance article on this list. The article made some incorrect conclusions in my opinion (and judging by the comments, those of many others as well). As many readers pointed out, LTC insurance covers in-home, less-skilled services as well as nursing home stays, but the article mistakenly concluded that because nursing home stays are needed less than previously thought, LTC insurance is needed by fewer people.
I was also disappointed that the author of the article never responded to any of the comments critiquing the conclusions.