Video: Boomers in RVs Seek Job, Security
Sales and rentals of recreational vehicles have skyrocketed during the pandemic as people working remotely use their newfound freedom to move their workplaces to the great outdoors.
Outdoorsy – the Airbnb of recreational vehicles (RVs) – reports that 40 percent of its new rental customers are under age 40. But long before younger adults hit the road, thousands of baby boomers were buying RVs to roam the country in search of work.
Rather than seeking psychological relief from COVID, as younger workers are doing, the boomers – some retired and some unemployed – are looking for financial security.
In this excellent PBS NewsHour segment, Paul Solman talked to boomers who park their RVs at campsites near whatever seasonal jobs they can find at places like Amazon and JCPenney warehouses, sugar beet farms, and theme parks and national parks.
During the summer tourist season, Judy Arnold has been working at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. But with so many businesses shut down by the pandemic, she worries about where her next job will come from. “I definitely need an income,” she told the NewHour.
George Stoutenburgh gave two reasons for his wanderlust.
“I can’t do nothing,” he said. He also needs the money. “It’s not like we’re broke but we’re certainly not millionaires. We can’t afford to travel the world and do whatever we want to do. That would be a wonderful thing but that’s not our life.”
With millions of boomers having lost their jobs due to COVID-19, others may hit the road soon.
Read more blog posts in our ongoing coverage of COVID-19.
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