Video: Kids Say the Darndest Things

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The children in this video have a delightful take on our cultural attitudes and mores about money – what it is, what it can do, and whether to share it.

The interviewer borrowed the format Art Linkletter used when asking kids questions on his Emmy Award-winning television show, “Art Linkletter’s House Party,” which aired between 1952 and 1969 – as boomers and their parents will remember.

The new video about kids and money is posted on the American Financial Services Association Education Foundation’s website.  The foundation’s mission is to educate people about responsible money management, starting with young children and teenagers.

The adorable factor makes this 6-minute video fly by.

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1 comment

Adorable is right. Although the children were not sure what the actual value of money is, what it can do or how it should be shared, they all seemed to know it was something of value; reference the last part of the clip in which the little blonde haired boy wanted to know if he could have the ten dollars back.

As an adjunct to your blog, it would certainly be a good idea for older children in high school to have some kind of course in finance, at least the basics, which might include something as simple as how to write a check, living within a budget, what interest means, etc.

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