What’s New in Retirement Research

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Millennials, longevity, Americans’ retirement outlook – these are among the topics economists tackle in five interesting research briefs.

Links to each brief below appear at the end of their titles. (Full disclosure: the researchers are at the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, which funds this blog.)

  • “Will Millennials Be Ready for Retirement?” – They are the most educated generation. Yet they lag previous generations of young adults in their retirement preparedness. Student loan debt is one big reason.
  • “National Retirement Risk Index Shows Modest Improvement in 2016 – Rising house prices boosted individuals’ wealth, modestly improving our retirement outlook. But, again, Millennials face significant headwinds.
  • “Is Working Longer a Good Prescription for All? – Most households’ retirement plans would benefit from working longer, saving more, and delaying Social Security. Low-income and less-educated workers with the most to gain financially, however, have fewer job options for postponing retirement.
  • “Why Has U.S. Life Expectancy Fallen Below Other Countries?” – Obesity and smoking have long been known as key impediments to higher longevity. This study finds that obesity will present a greater future challenge than smoking.
  • “How Do Prescription Drugs Affect the Use of Other Health Services?” – Twelve years after Congress passed Medicare’s Part D drug coverage, the elderly visit their doctors more often to monitor their drug use but possibly use less inpatient care.

The center publishes a research brief every two weeks. To sign up for emails with the newest one, check the “main list” box.

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Leandro Mueller

Are Americans prepared for retirement? As what I have written in my new post and according to recent studies, unfortunately, most of us are not ready for retirement. I agree with working longer to help retirees obtain more funds for their golden years. In addition, knowing how various health care options, such as Medicare, Medigap plans, Medicaid etc., can help them pay for critical medical needs is also a viable strategy.

Leandro Mueller

Are Americans prepared for retirement? As what I have written in my new post and according to recent studies, unfortunately, most of us are not ready for retirement. I agree with working longer to help retirees obtain more funds for their golden years. In addition, knowing how various health care options, such as Medicare, Medigap plans, Medicaid etc., can help them pay for critical medical needs is also a viable strategy.

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