2012 Dissertation Fellowship Recipients
Naoki Aizawa
Essays on the U.S. Health Insurance Reform
Manasi Deshpande
The Effect of the Supplemental Security Income Children’s Program on Parental Labor Supply and Long-Term Outcomes of Enrolled Children
Michael Dworsky
How Does Health Affect Productivity? Evidence from the Earnings Dynamics and Job Transitions of Partially Disabled Workers
Dina Guo
Happy Together or Home Alone: A Structural Model of The Role of Health Insurance in Joint Retirement
Seonghoon Kim
Medical Expenditure Risk and the Value of Access to Medicare through Social Security Disability Insurance
David Knapp
The Effect of Social Security Auxiliary Spouse and Survivor Benefits on the Household Retirement Decision
Lynn Patten Priestley Mahler
Retaining a High-Quality Teaching Workforce: The Effects of Pension Design
Petra Persson
Social Security, Marriage, and Old-Age Poverty
Christina Sogar
Disabled Parents and Supplementary Security Income: What Do They Need, What Do They Receive?
Desmond Toohey
Unemployment Insurance Offsets and the Labor Force Attachment of Older Workers