What Readers Liked in 2014
Since you are the best judges of what financial information is most useful, it’s a holiday tradition to feature readers’ favorite articles published during the year.
Please spread the word among family and friends about the most popular 2014 blogs, listed below, by “liking” Squared Away’s Facebook page. Readers can also sign up for emails of each week’s headlines.
The articles are ranked in the order of their total page views:
- Retirees Live on Less. People who’ve already retired say adjustments are required to live on a smaller income.
- Retirement Delayed to Pay the Mortgage. Paying off the house tilts many baby boomers’ decisions.
- Retirement: a Good State of Mind. New research tries to resolve the conflicting evidence about whether retirement is good for you.
- How Much For the 401(k)? Depends. Saving is critical in a 401(k) world. The sooner Millennial workers start, the less painful saving will be.
- Parents’ Longevity Sways Plans to Retire. If a parent dies suddenly, retirement becomes a higher priority.
- Why Some Retire, Others Persevere. Personality is key to this life decision.
- Delaying Retirement a Smart Decision. People who score higher on tests of their cognitive abilities also tend to retire at older ages.
- 1 in 4 Seniors Have Meager Savings. Many retirees simply didn’t save enough for old age.
- Stark Differences in U.S. Cost of Living. Click on any location on this interactive map and see how it ranks in terms of its living costs.
- Investment Focus: Follow 5 Simple Rules. Making decisions about 401(k) investments doesn’t have to be complicated.
- Money Habits Set Millennials Apart. Young adults are handling their financial affairs differently, and it’s not just about their cell phones.
Remember to “like” Squared Away on our Facebook page! The blog resumes on Tuesday, Jan. 6.
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The one that did not make this list was the story about the family that was affected by Alzheimers. I was very moved by their situation and how they were dealing with it. It is a very compelling story with many implications for how we live our life, both personally and financially. I find stories about finance that have a human element to be a very powerful way to convey important messages.
The one that did not make this list was the story about the family that was affected by Alzheimers. I was very moved by their situation and how they were dealing with it. It is a very compelling story with many implications for how we live our life, both personally and financially. I find stories about finance that have a human element to be a very powerful way to convey important messages.
“Seniors describe their lives in poverty” – I personally think this is an important article…If we fail to plan earlier for our retirement, then life after pensions will be a big problem when we are no longer working and there is no income coming in. Retirement is the time for the seniors to relax and slow down their life. But if there is no proper planning taken earlier then that life will suffer…