Spring 2022 Retirement Research Seminar Series

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Co-sponsored by the Boston College Law School and the Center for Retirement Research

This four-part seminar series explored topical issues in retirement research.

April 27, 2022
Speaker: Taha Choukhmane, Assistant Professor of Finance
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Topics: How Married Couples Save for Retirement and Racial Disparities in Retirement Saving
May 11, 2022
Speaker: Joanna Lahey, Associate Professor of Public Service and Administration
Texas A&M University

Topic: Age and the Labor Market for Hispanics in the United States
JP Aubry's headshotMay 18, 2022
Speaker: Jean-Pierre Aubry, Director of State and Local Research
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

Topic: Closing the Gap: How to Improve Private Sector Retirement Savings
May 25, 2022
Speaker: Dana Muir, Robert L. Dixon Collegiate Professor of Business
University of Michigan

Topic: Fiduciary Obligations for Sustainable Investing: Defining the Role of Pension Funds in Society