Social Security Información – en Español
Alrededor del 14 por ciento de trabajadores y trabajadoras aquí hablan español. El Seguro Social tiene un sitio web para usted.
Translation: About 14 percent of the working-age population here speaks Spanish. Social Security has a website for you.
It’s critical that workers who speak only Spanish or are more comfortable with the language have a clear understanding of how Social Security benefits work. It’s estimated that Americans 65 and over receive just under a third of their income from the benefits, and lower-income people rely on it for much more than that.
Social Security’s Spanish-language website, which has been around in some form since the mid-1990s, provides general information about the program and also addresses issues especially relevant to this population. One example is an employer’s responsibility to report income for the one in four domestic workers in this country who are Latina.
Below are some of the general topics, as described on the website:
- Cómo funcionan los beneficios por jubilación. (How retirement benefits work.)
- Decidir cuándo comenzar los beneficios. (Deciding when to start the benefits.)
- Qué cosas adicionales puede afectar sus beneficios por jubilación. (Things that may affect benefits.)
- Lista de verificación para su jubilación. (Retirement checklist.)
If you know someone who could use this information, please pass on the link!
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