Archive: Diana Horvath

Stethoscope and wooden blocks shaped like people on a blue background

The rising cost of employer contributions to employer-sponsored health insurance (ESHI) can slow wage growth and erode the Social Security wage base.  Both these effects were evident in the decades before 2005, as ESHI increased as a share of compensation.  Fortunately, the ratio of ESHI contributions to compensation plateaued after 2005, stabilizing wages and halting…

Hand fillin gout a health inaurance form on a clipboard with. a stethoscope and laptop in the background

Abstract The rising cost of employer contributions to employee-sponsored health insurance (ESHI) can slow wage growth and erode the Social Security wage base.  Both these effects were evident in the decades before 2005, as ESHI increased as a share of compensation.  Fortunately, the ratio of ESHI contributions to compensation plateaued after 2005, stabilizing wages and…