Baker’s Dozen: Popular Retirement Blogs
Appropriately, the most popular blogs over the past six months were about retirement, among both the young adults looking ahead to it and the later baby boomers heading toward it.
Based on page view counts, here were the most-read blogs on Squared Away during the last six months of 2017:
Retirement Calculators: 3 Good Options
Why Many Retirees Choose Medigap
Reverse Mortgage: Yes or No?
Why Most Elderly Pay No Federal Tax
The 411 on Roth vs Regular 401ks
Medicare Advantage Shopping: 10 Rules
Good Reads for and about Old Folks
IRAs Fall Short of Original Goal
Before Retiring, Do this Homework
How Social Security Gets Fixed Matters
Old Savers Inch Ahead (The companion blog is GenX, Millennials Now is the Time)
Your Social Security: 35 Years of Work
Medicaid – it’s Not Just for Nursing Homes
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