Tag: shift to 401(k)

Older couple sitting at a table looking at laptop screen paying bills online

The brief’s key findings are: Late Boomers have less retirement wealth than earlier cohorts, including surprisingly low 401(k) assets. To explain this drop, the analysis explored both changing demographics and labor market experiences. The results show that part of the drop is due to a decline in the share of Late Boomers who are White, married, and…

Navajo man sitting on the bed of his pick-up truck in Monument Valley

The brief’s key findings are: Labor force activity among older Americans began rising in the mid-1980s due to: changing Social Security incentives; the shift to 401(k) plans; and improving health, longevity, and education. Updated data, however, suggest that these factors may have played themselves out. As a result, the average retirement age has increased only…