Tag: Social Security

Cheerful senior man at home looking at his mail

Abstract Using Health and Retirement Study (HRS) data and Latent Class Analysis for three cohorts (those born in 1931-1936, 1937-1941, and 1942-1947), this paper explores: 1) who claims Social Security benefits at age 62; 2) what percentage of households claiming at 62 are unprepared for retirement; and 3) whether the unprepared early claimers were pushed…

elderly man inserting credit card to ATM

The brief’s key findings are: In any loan program, a key objective is balancing the twin goals of high take-up rates and low default rates. In 2013, the federal government announced new rules to curb default rates of reverse mortgages by limiting initial withdrawals and requiring underwriting. To assess the effects of the new rules,…