Here’s What Our Readers Liked in 2018

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We’re kicking off 2019 with our periodic review of the most-read articles over the past year, based on the blog traffic tracked by Google Analytics.

Judging by the comments readers leave at the end of the blog posts, baby boomers are really diving into the nitty-gritty of preparing themselves mentally and financially for retirement. Financial advisers also frequently comment on Squared Away, and we hope some of our web traffic is because they’re sharing our blog with their clients.

Last year, Squared Away received recognition from other media. The Wall Street Journal recommended us to its readers for the blog’s “wonderful mix of topics.” The Los Angeles Times picked up our article, “Why Retirement Inequality is Rising.” MarketWatch published our posts about how pharmacists can help seniors reduce their prescription drug prices and about a Social Security reform to reduce elderly poverty.

The most popular blogs in 2018 fall into five categories:

The Big Picture

How Social Security Gets Fixed Matters

Future ‘Retirees’ Plan to Work

Just Half of Americans Enjoy Bull Market

Personality Influences Path to Retirement

How and When to Retire

Know About the 401(k) Surprise

How Retirees Can Negotiate Drug Prices

Work vs Save Options Quantified

What’s a Geriatric Care Manager Anyway?

Geriatric Help Eases Family Discord

Retirement Pitfalls

Retirees Get a 401(k) Withdrawal Headache

Social Security Mistakes Can Be Costly


The Ultimate in Travel: Retiring Abroad

The Marshmallow Test for Retirement

New Yorker Cartoon Considers 401k


Granny Pods: a Financial and Care Solution

Tiny Houses Fix Millennials’ Money Woes

Squared Away writer Kim Blanton invites you to follow us on Twitter @SquaredAwayBC. To stay current on our blog, please join our free email list. You’ll receive just one email each week – with links to the two new posts for that week – when you sign up here.  This blog is supported by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.

Ken Pidcock

Good reminder of how much we’ve learned here over the year.

The Finance Twins

The article about future “retirees” planning to work was eye-opening. The take-aways were worrisome and troubling. First, it’s impossible to predict your health into the future since unpredictable things happen all the time. Not preparing and relying on an uncertain income is simply setting yourself up for disaster.

Paul Brustowicz

My favorite was The Marshmallow Test. I shared that with my wife and some retired friends who had never heard of it. We have one friend who still flunks the marshmallow test even at age 70 and she is proud of it.

Keep up the good work.

Mary Robertson

Bravo for a great year of posts. I’m glad for this recap as we had missed a few.

Robin Williams

I really loved the article on “Work vs Save Options.” This is because one of my biggest financial challenges is proper planning in order to ensure that my standard of living doesn’t drop even after I retire and the regular paychecks stop.

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