No-Benefit Jobs Better than Retiring Early
Many workers in their 60s lose some of their stamina. Either their bodies start showing signs of wear, or they don’t tolerate on-the-job stress like they used to.
People who find themselves in this situation but can’t afford to retire will appreciate the findings in a recent study: older workers who transition to a new job – and perhaps a less demanding one – have greatly improved their retirement finances, even if the new job lacks health and retirement benefits.
The starting point for the analysis was to identify 61- and 62-year-olds employed in career jobs and follow the changes in their retirement finances over time, as they break into three groups. Some retired, some remained in longstanding jobs with benefits, and some found no-benefit jobs, whether with an employer or as an independent contractor.
Matt Rutledge and Gal Wettstein at the Center for Retirement Research compared each group’s retirement prospects in their early 60s with where they ended up years later, after the majority of them had retired. The focus was on the people who, at 62, were falling short of what they would need to retire comfortably.
The financial assessments were based on so-called replacement rates – estimated retirement income as a percentage of employment earnings. The average target required for financial security in old age is about 75 percent of past earnings, though the precise number depends on how much the individual earned.
The researchers estimated replacement rates for the 62-year-olds who fell short of the targets and estimated the rates again when they were 67 or 68. Retirement security improved over time for the under-prepared people who continued to work – in contrast to an erosion in security for the people who, despite falling short, had retired at 62 and locked in a small Social Security check.
The most interesting finding concerned the older workers who had extended their employment by switching to no-benefit jobs. Their retirement income in their late 60s replaced 68 percent of their past earnings, on average – still less than what they need but up dramatically from 52 percent if they had retired early.
This 16-percentage point improvement is about the same as the 14-point improvement for the retirees who had remained in their career jobs and kept their benefits.
For the workers who extend their careers, much of the increase in retirement income comes from delaying Social Security, which increases the amount they get in their monthly checks.
Not everyone is healthy enough to work well into their 60s. But extending one’s career – even in a job that lacks benefits – is “financially beneficial to those who are healthy enough to do so,” they said.
Squared Away writer Kim Blanton invites you to follow us on Twitter @SquaredAwayBC. To stay current on our blog, please join our free email list. You’ll receive just one email each week – with links to the two new posts for that week – when you sign up here. This blog is supported by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.
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Yes you are right. There is no better job than retiring early and spending precious time with loved ones.
Thanks for sharing – Technology Blog!
Interesting read, Kim! To work after retirement is a good idea because it helps you stay physically and mentally healthy while also providing an extra source of income. If a person wishes to return to the workforce, I recommend that they look for a job in their specialized field that allows for more flexibility.