Businessman looking at graphs at a desk

Public pension plans have been shifting toward more complex investments in the past two decades, moving a sizable share of assets out of traditional equities, bonds, and cash into alternative assets, and expanding their reliance on external managers.  This increased complexity, coupled with a shift toward active management, contrasts sharply with other investors,…

older man looking frustrated to paperwork and bills

In June 2022, U.S. inflation peaked at 8.9 percent – a dramatically high level after nearly three decades of relatively stable prices.  Because inflation has been so low for so long, the risks of inflation have been generally overlooked and recent history does not offer much practical insight on its impact.  But a shock of…


Washington State postcard

Developing countries all over the world are struggling with the same looming crisis: an aging population and an acute and...

Minature businessperson standing between two coin stacks

They would improve transparency and most likely returns by investing in index funds. I must admit, I love it when...


This study examines how transition-aged youth with disabilities receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may have been affected by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and access to pre-employment transition services (pre-ETS). …

The brief’s key findings are: Many older workers are inclined to work longer, but will employers hire and retain them – today and in the future? A series of CRR studies on this topic provide a case for tempered optimism. First, hard data suggest that older workers are at least as productive as younger ones, though they…

The headlines from the 2023 Medicare Trustees Re­port were that the Hospital Insurance (HI) program faces a long-term deficit and will deplete its trust fund reserves in 2031 and that the rest of the Medicare program will require increasing amounts of general revenues. While true, the outlook for program costs is considerably more favorable than…


Woman reading a newspaper at a tabel with a laptop

For about 15 years, Paula Span has dedicated much of her journalism career to covering one subject: aging, and the challenges that come with it.


Retirees took more money out of their savings to keep up with rising prices, raising the risk of depleting their nest eggs.