During the ongoing pandemic and economic recovery, the CRR is exploring how COVID-19 may impact retirement security from all angles. Our current resources are below.
Check back regularly for updates or sign up for our email list.
Economic and Health Data
401(k) Match Suspensions and Reinstatements Since March 2020
U.S. Deaths Involving COVID-19 Reported to the CDC
Weekly Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims
Change in Unemployment Rate in Recent Recessions, by Gender and Age
Unemployment Rate, January 1970 – July 2022
* Download all economic and health data
Other Data Resources
Harvard’s Opportunity Insights Institute: Track the Recovery
USC Survey Data: Understanding Coronavirus in America
COVID-19 Legislation
CRR in the News
Morningstar: “How Have Older Workers Fared in the Pandemic-Induced Downturn?” (6/2/21)
The New York Times: “7 Steps to Take Now to Catch Up on Retirement Savings” (5/8/21)
CNBC: “Why Some Older Workers Fared Worse During COVID-19 Than the Great Recession” (5/3/21)
State Street: “Could COVID-19 Change How and Where Americans Retire?” (4/28/21)
MarketWatch: “The New Stimulus Bill Will Help Shore Up Some Shaky Pension Plans” (3/15/21)
The Boston Globe: “COVID Rescue Package Gives Failing Pension Plans a $86 Billion Bailout” (3/13/21)
The Wall Street Journal: “More Americans Face Retirement Insecurity” (1/19/21)
The New York Times: “Workers Tap Retirement Savings as a Last Resort” (12/18/20)
Marketplace: “Few people are tapping 401(k)s, even without withdrawal penalties” (10/12/20)
CNBC: “Older Workers are Struggling to Find Jobs Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic” (10/2/20)
CRR Research on the 2008-2009 Recession
From Our Affiliates
Brookings Institution: “Resources on Coronavirus [COVID-19]”
Mathematica: “COVID-19 Curated Data, Modeling, and Policy Resources”
Urban Institute: “COVID-19: Policies to Protect People and Communities”
This page was last updated on August 5, 2022.